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Another tire thread

Discussion in 'Gear and Equipment' started by Richardrwg, Oct 10, 2019.  |  Print Topic

  1. Richardrwg


    Sun EZ Speedster SX
    I tried to run this on an old post of a tire discussion, but it was so old that could not be commented on, so I thought I would restart it. I realize that this is an old and often I'm sure subject, but I thought I might add something due to recent purchase and observation.

    First , this would only apply to trikes, not to 2 wheeled bents. I originally had Bontragers on the back of my trike, but it never really felt "secure" back there. Going uphill on stone, the drive wheel would slip, on a favorite downhill road with long slow curve I could feel the rear tires rolling, really took the fun out of it since I was hitting almost 40mph. I found these tires on eBay and they got me thinking, Kevlar Bike Tires Fat Cruiser Schwinn Wide Squared Road Friendly 26 x 2.125 inch.

    Yes, they're made by Schwinn, I can hear the eyes rolling. Here's the thing though, They are designed like a car tire, flat on the bottom with good solid tread, no tread on the sides, trike tires don't lean, they ride like a car tire. So I ordered a set and the difference was immediate. On the road I could feel connection, especially going down the hill, I hit 42mph with no roll and loved it, I even turned around so I could hit it again. There was also a more comfortable, softer feel to the ride, almost like a bit of suspension. On stones, gravel, dirt and grass, I was getting better traction. I can't speak to the longevity of the tread or the tire itself, but I fell in love with these tires after the first day. I'm actually looking forward to a ride on wet roads and maybe even <<shudder>> snow.

    Now, admittedly, there is probably a trade off, a wider tire means more road drag, if there is, and I have no doubt that there is, it's negligible given the improved feel of the ride.
  2. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    Since your trike doesn't lean, with square body rear tires the tread ought to last longer than a typical (i.e. rounded) bicycle tire. :thumbsup:

    :hand7: Also, just FYI anyone can re-open a thread older than two-years.(...since the last post) All you have to do is 'check' the box at the bottom of the reply box, when you post a reply to it.(i.e. "...FEEL FREE to reply and bring the thread back into active discussion.")

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