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What Recumbents are FOR SALE on the net?

Discussion in 'Buy, Sale or Trade' started by A.D., Jun 9, 2012.  |  Print Topic

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  1. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    On eBay, just click here to find out!
    Note, if you're looking for a specific brand or model of a recumbent on eBay then you may want to put the name in the search once it comes up on eBay. Using (recumbent,rans) tells eBay to search for ANY auction with the word recumbent -or- rans in the title, as some sellers don't even bother to put the word recumbent in the title of their auctions.​
    To see all Classified Ads on the Hostel Shoppe, just click here and choose Bikes, Trikes, etc.

    To see For Sale Classifieds on Bent Rider Online, just click here.

    To see Bicycle Man's Discounted Bikes, just click here.

    To see Recumbent & Tandem Rider Classified Ads, just click here.

    To see Recumbents.com Classified Ads, just click here.

    To see Total Bike Classifieds, just click here.

    :update: To see Yakaz Classified Ads, just click here.

    See International Craigslist here, just choose your city and search for Recumbent under bicycles.
    Example: To see Craigslist of Classifieds for Knoxville, TN, just click here.

    Also Crazedlist.org (which is now out of commission) allows one to search multiple craigslist.org sites at once. However, in order to do so you must disable referrers in your web browser. Instructions how to do so should pop-up when you first visit the website.

    At present, OneCraigs allows you to search All of Craigslist, at one time.

    http://www.adhuntr.com/ and http://www.searchtempest.com/ are also designed to search all of Craigslist, and http://www.searchalljunk.com/ is designed to search multiple classified ad websites, while http://www.oodle.com/ is yet another online marketplace for finding various items.

    ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----​

    If you know of, or trip across other Classified Ads online for Recumbent Bikes, Trikes, or Quads PM me and I'll incorporate it into this message as well.
  2. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    History of Recumbents For Sale...

    Craigslist is an excellent place to learn what used recumbents are selling for, especially in your own area of the country. However oftentimes following a LINK to such an ad, you will find that…
    and subsequently all relevant information is now missing.(i.e. price, condition, description, pictures, etc.) :hissyfit9:

    As such, Craigslist can be of limited use to new riders looking to purchase their first recumbent cycle. :embarrassed9: To help resolve that, we are trying to preserve some of that data before it simply vanishes. :confused: We hope to attempt to re-post some of that information into the For Sale or Trade Forum as we come across recumbent bicycles and/or tricycles for sale.

    This should allow members to use the Advanced Search of the CLBot's threads only (i.e. Posted by Member=CLBot), to SEE what kind of used recumbents have been for sell, what kind of condition they were in and how much they cost at the time the ad was placed.

    In order to limit such to the most useful information, we have chosen to re-post ONLY ads which:
    • Have a picture of the actual recumbent for sale,
    • -and- Have a price listed in the advertisement.
    If/when an ad is re-run at a lower price, it will be re-posted on RRI into the original thread.

    If/when an ad is re-run at the same price, it will not be re-posted. Instead the existing earlier version of the ad will remain, as it already contains all relevant information.

    If/when an ad is re-run at a higher price, it will not be re-posted again. (i.e. Whatever the lowest available price ad for a particular recumbent for sale was, that ad will remain as a record.)
    Notice: Some sellers will cancel an earlier-ad, only to replace it with an identical, higher-price ad. :jawdrop:
    Lastly, such threads will be closed for discussion after 90 days, since their real value is in the historical data they contain.

    Again, the overall purpose of this effort is to attempt to capture which recumbents, in what conditions, are selling for how much, in various areas across the country...and we hope you may find this information beneficial if/when you're shopping the used market for your next RIDE. :D

    Note: We currently have an entire DECADE of previous Craigslist For-Sale Ads available to peruse. :applause:

    And just a word to the wise, or patient as it may be. :wink9: I have seen some ads re-run for months and never drop a single dollar -and- I have seen some ads re-run dropping hundreds of dollars in just a few days. All sellers are motivated to sell for different reasons (i.e. health issues, moving, etc.), so unless you just have-to-have-it right now, you may well save yourself some :money: if you choose to monitor the market :mmm: for awhile before purchasing your next RIDE. :heelclick:
  3. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
  4. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    Craigslist has stopped all RSS feeds…

    RRI RSS Poster - CLBot
    Craigslist AK: Anchorage + XML Error: mismatched tag at line 16
    Craigslist AZ: Phoenix + XML Error: mismatched tag at line 16
    Craigslist AR: Little Rock + XML Error: mismatched tag at line 16

    It appears Craigslist has finally stopped supporting all RSS feeds now. :sad9:

    There has been much contraversy in the past about it (see Craigslist blocking Feedly again)

    ANY URL with a &format=RSS suffix is now refused on the Craigslist website. :embarrassed9:

    Oh well, it was good while it lasted and at least we got a lot of worthwhile data from the effort. :thumbsup:
  5. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
  6. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    Whenever you post a new For Sale or Trade Thread on the board here, you will (by default) be able to EDIT it for up to 6 weeks. However since such threads can have a longer lifespan than that, I try to manually revise that 6 week EDIT limit on out to 3 months. So if you post such a thread on here and I don't automatically get around to revising that time limit, just start a Conversation with me and remind me to do so. :wink9: That way, you'll be able to revise your own thread as needed.(i.e. price change, sold, etc.)
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