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CLBot CL Cycle Genius Falcon LS Recumbent Bike - Ride in comfort! (Midtown Omaha, NE) $650

Discussion in 'Buy, Sale or Trade' started by CLBot, Mar 22, 2015.  |  Print Topic

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  1. CLBot

    CLBot Finding Recumbents For Sale

    I am a Robot
    For Sale: Cycle Genius Falcon LS Recumbent Bike - $650 This bike has a long wheelbase, which gives you a comfortable ride at any speed. The comfortable mesh seat lets you sit back and relax without the back or wrist strain from leaning over the hand [...]


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    NOTICE: Above text is a COPY of a Craigslist Advertisement.
    In most cases, the seller will not have a user account on RRI.
    Simply click the More... link above to see the original ad.​

    For more info about this post, see: History of Recumbents For Sale...
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