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Steady exercise helps her lose 38 pounds

Discussion in 'Health and Safety' started by A.D., Jan 7, 2008.  |  Print Topic

  1. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    I've done lots of famous diets and nothing ever really worked. When I hit 40, that's when my weight really ballooned and my heart problems started. Last year, I was diagnosed with osteoporosis, and my doctor said the best thing I could do for it was the treadmill.

    I've been working out Downtown at Better Bodies, in the Chase Tower, where I work. I go between three and five times a week. Most of the time I go during the day, sort of a late lunch. I do cardio -- either the treadmill, the recumbent bike or the elliptical trainer. Then I work out on different machines like a pull-down or the leg press. I always work on something related to the core.

    I work out for anywhere between one hour and 11/2 hours. And I've worked out with the owner as a personal trainer, which is well worth it. You learn how to do all the exercises and to avoid injuries. I'm 5 feet 6 inches and I weighed 249 pounds at my maximum. I weighed 211 pounds when I got on the scales last week.

    My goal is 135 pounds. That's where my doctor said I needed to be. But if I get to 140, I'll be very happy with that.

    Now when I travel, I always walk a lot or use the fitness center in the hotel if they have one. I always take my little workout bag with me.

    My doctor believes in doing things for the long term -- not a quick fix. She's already started lowering the dosage of some of my medicines.

    My co-workers are so supportive. My boss says, "You're really doing a good job. Keep up the good work." That keeps me going.

    Goodwill is getting two huge boxes of clothing from me that I won't be able to wear anymore. I have very few clothes that I'm able to wear. That's tough on my budget, but it's a good problem to have.

    Her advice to others:

    Don't immediately turn to pills. I'm not a big proponent of the diet medications. I know for some people it is an option. But even a 10-minute walk around your neighborhood will do more for you than any of those pills.

    Take your time. You have to change your lifestyle so that healthy eating becomes a habit.

    taken from Indy Star.com

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